lowongan juni, lowongan kerja juni, LOWONGAN KERJA JUNI 2009, LOWONGAN KERJA JUNI TERBARU, LOWKER JUNI 2009
Sapta Sarana Sejahtera as an authorized agency for
international bank from USA is looking for Telesales
Officer with the following requirement :
Requirements :
* Male & Female
* Single
* Max age 28
* Min D3 with GPA 2.7
* High achiever person
* Targer oriented type of person
* Excellent communication skill
* Fluently in English and computer literate would be
an advantage
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

We offer :
* Basic salary & allowance
* Bonus
* Incentive
* Motivational Training
* Overseas Traveling
* Health insurance & Jamsostek

Please send your application with complete resume via
email to : recruitment.center@ saptasarana.com by
Juni 30, 2009 at the latest.